A recently constructed water treatment plant in Rosebery, Tasmania, is improving water quality and consistency for local customers.
TasWater Project Manager, Chris Morrison, said the plant incorporates state-of-the-art filtration technology which helps remove the tannin colour and improve the taste of the drinking water.
“The new plant has membrane nanofiltration as well as a number of other treatment steps to ensure it is safe to drink and is within Australian guidelines. It’s a significant step ahead from the original sand filtration and chlorination system of the previous plant.” Mr Morrison said.
“Our customers have reported issues with water quality in Rosebery and we are pleased this new plant can make this a problem of the past.
“The plant came online in October and we then ran through another program of flushing and cleaning in the town pipework. Now the plant is fully commissioned and operating as expected.”
The new treatment plant continues to source water from both Mountain Creek when possible and the Stitt River in the drier months.
The upgrades to the water system also included upgrades to the Stitt River pump station and a new roof on the Mount Black treated water reservoir to improve the security of the water supply.
New pipelines have also been laid as part of the upgrades, including a new 1.2km rising main from the water treatment plant to the reservoir and a 3.6km trunk water main within the town. The new trunk main in town has improved water pressure and flow in the network.
TasWater CEO, Mike Brewster, is pleased Rosebery residents are receiving improved water supply services and local contractors were brought on board to deliver the project.
“The new Rosebery Water Treatment Plant is an example of TasWater delivering on our customer promise to provide safe drinking water across the state,” Mr Brewster said.
“The project represents a significant investment in the local economy and the future of the West Coast.”