
Residents in Westbury, Hagley and Exton (TAS) now have access to fully treated drinking water following the official opening of the $8 million Westbury Water Treatment Plant.

TasWater CEO Michael Brewster joined Tasmanian Premier the Hon. Will Hodgman and Meander Valley Mayor, Craig Perkins, to celebrate the culmination of the project which included the construction of a $1.3 million pipeline to supply the community of Exton.

“Westbury was the largest community in Tasmania not to have fully treated water,” Mr Brewster said.

“This is a significant day not just for these communities but for the region. The construction of the treatment plant, reservoir and pipeline represent a large investment in the local economy.

Tasmanian firm Fairbrother undertook construction of the 5.5 megalitre reservoir, located onsite at the treatment plant which ensures the water supply to customers, even during peak periods of demand. This was a $1.5 million contract.

“The water supply to Westbury has been disinfected but has not been treated, meaning that while our customers had safe water, it was at times discoloured and of variable quality.

“It is pleasing those days are behind us and the community has a safe, secure and reliable supply which meets both the Tasmanian and Australian Drinking Water Guidelines,” he said.

“TasWater is committed to improving water quality across the State. We have projects underway, many nearing completion in a number of communities including Bracknell, Fingal, Ringarooma, Derby, Branxholm, Mole Creek, Flinders Island and Legerwood.

“These form part of an ambitious capital works program with spending of between $100 and $110 million over the coming five years,” Mr Brewster said



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