Legislation has passed that will see Power and Water Corporation split and the electricity retail and generation components commence operations as separate government owned corporations.
Power and Water says that structural separation of the corporation is an important step in realising the Northern Territory’s potential on the national and international stage. It will also bring the Territory in line with the wider Australian energy sector, which has been in a process of reform since the early 1990s.
Power and Water Corporation Managing Director John Baskerville said customers will start to see changes from 1 July.
“As the new billing cycle rolls out, customers who currently receive a combined electricity, water and sewerage bill will receive two separate bills: one for electricity and one for water and sewerage,” Mr Baskerville said.
“Water and sewerage services stay part of Power and Water with nothing changing in terms of service, or the way customers will receive and pay their water and sewerage bill.
“Electricity connections and disconnections can be processed through existing shopfronts, call centres and online.
The Northern Territory Government will continue to set retail electricity, water and sewerage tariffs.
Structural separation of Power and Water brings it in line with wider Australian energy sector, which has moved away from a vertically integrated government owned utility model for electricity and water services.