Power and Water Corporation’s work on the Leanyer Zone Substation (NT) have been completed earlier than planned. The works connect the substation into the electricity network and the substation is expected to be fully operational in mid-2016.
The connection of the new Leanyer Zone Substation began on 26 September and the works were successfully concluded before their projected finish date of 5 October, Power Networks General Manager, John Greenwood said.
“It’s a credit to our contractors, Power Networks’ crews and Power and Water’s System Control that this work has been completed ahead of schedule.
“The next phase involves the expansion of the Casuarina Zone Substation and installation of a new indoor switch room, which will conclude by 10 October.
“The zone substation, located near the Leanyer sewage ponds, is designed to reinforce the existing network and ensure longer term security of power supply as development continues in the northern suburbs.
“Power and Water had a window of opportunity to complete these essential works; the school holidays bring lower system demands and the storm season is still a little way off.
“All major works bring challenges and a chance of power interruptions and connecting the Leanyer Zone Substation was no exception.
“Similar to the replacement of three 132kV circuit breakers at Hudson Creek earlier this year, we had a range of contingencies in place, such as switching electrical load to other lines to supply the northern suburbs to ensure customers weren’t inconvenienced by extended power interruptions.
“The power interruption on Tuesday evening that affected the Leanyer area wasn’t connected to the works, however it reinforces the importance of this upgrade for the future benefit of our growing northern suburbs,” Mr Greenwood said.
The Leanyer and Casuarina Zone Substations’ works form part of Power and Water Corporation’s continuing program of essential upgrades to Darwin’s electricity network.