The first stage of a water supply upgrade scheme for Onslow, a coastal town in the Pilbara region of WA, is now complete and the second stage of works, involving the construction of a new pump station, is now underway.
The State Government’s Royalties for Regions program contributed $9.9M and the Water Corporation provided $14.7M to the $24.6M project.
WA Water Minister Mia Davies said Onslow was experiencing rapid growth – partly as a result of Chevron Australia’s Wheatstone project and BHP’s Macedon project.
“It’s estimated the town’s population will grow to 4,000 by 2025 and the Water Corporation has been working closely with a number of State Government agencies within the resources and land development sectors to support this growth,” Ms Davies said.
The first stage includes an upgrade to the Cane River Borefield and transfer main, allowing additional water to be delivered to Onslow.
“Four new bores have been constructed, together with a new collector main and an upgrade to the water transfer main from the borefield into town,” she said.
“These upgrades are now capable of delivering more water to Onslow each year. This will support future growth, such as LandCorp’s residential development to the south of Onslow and a new light industrial area being considered for development.”
Regional Development Minister Terry Redman said the upgrades would support the expansion of new land development in the Pilbara which had been affected by the limited availability of water and wastewater services.
“The Royalties for Regions program seeks to grow Western Australia’s regional areas into thriving, sustainable communities,” Mr Redman said.
Onslow will also receive a second water tank and desalination plant to help support the town’s long-term water supply, which is being funded by Chevron Australia as part of its Wheatstone Project State Development Agreement. The desalination plant is currently progressing through environmental approvals and if approved, is expected to be finished in 2016.
Drinking water supplies will be expanded and wastewater treatment plants upgraded as part of $104.4M worth of Royalties for Regions-funded upgrades to Pilbara essential water services.