Tasmanian Irrigation has partnered with GHD and Pinion Advisory, seeking design and technical support for five irrigation schemes and associated pipelines, tanks, dams and pump stations – to increase agricultural water supply for farmers.
The projects are part of the Tranche Three program, a joint investment between the Australian Government, Tasmanian Government and Tasmanian farmers to develop ten irrigation schemes across agricultural areas of Tasmania. Funding is confirmed for the first five projects, with further funding to be sought for the remaining five schemes.
The design partnership will initially focus on the following Tranche Three projects:
- Northern Midlands Irrigation Scheme (NMIS)
- Fingal Irrigation Scheme (FIN)
- South East Integration Project (SEIP)
- Tamar Irrigation Scheme (TIS)
- Sassafras Wesley Vale Irrigation Scheme Augmentation (SWISA)
The benefits of the new irrigation schemes will have a massive flow on for farmers and communities. Current infrastructure limitations in some parts of Tasmania mean that water is not distributed efficiently for agriculture.
Access to irrigation water will give landholders confidence to value-add, diversify and expand to incorporate new higher-value enterprises, such as viticulture or dairy.
The program and its ten schemes are expected to double Tasmania’s current irrigation capacity of 133,314 megalitres.
Tasmanian Irrigation Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Kneebone, said the company had sought a partnership with the design industry to strengthen its ability to design and deliver irrigation projects that met irrigators’ needs, whilst simplifying its offering to the construction industry.
“Tasmanian Irrigation welcomes the strength and innovation of the GHD and Pinion Advisory unique design partnership, which will reduce duplication, enhance cross-scheme learnings, simplify procedures and provide more certainty to contractors,” Mr Kneebone said.
“Design specifications have been standardised for engineering, hydraulics, electrical plans, pumps, pipelines and dams, leading to a more consistent system control and data acquisition, as well as assisting with water delivery and asset management operations.”
The integrated approach will ensure each scheme is economically viable, environmentally sustainable and is developed in collaboration with local communities.
GHD and Pinion Advisory will focus on the design of infrastructure including the pipelines, tanks, dams and pump stations associated with the Tranche Three projects. They will also provide technical support during early project phases, and construction and commissioning.
Brad Davie, GHD’s Design Manager for the partnership, said, “Our approach will draw on the collective capability of GHD, Pinion Advisory and Tasmanian Irrigation to form an integrated team with a shared vision to create lasting community benefit.
“These schemes will ultimately unlock water for the state and help farmers meet the growing on-farm production demand, so we are thrilled to be able to bring our skills together in this multi-year partnership and strategically design the schemes to do just this.”
Tranche Three follows on from Tasmanian Irrigation’s successful delivery of Tranche One and Tranche Two.