The City of Perth’s transition to underground power has been completed, following the successful delivery of two underground power projects.
985 wooden poles and 35km of overhead cable were removed during the works in the Perth suburbs of Collier and Manning; the project also delivered 667 LED streetlights for improved aesthetic and environmental outcomes.
A total of 17 projects have now been delivered under Round 6 of Western Power’s State Underground Power Program.
Western Australian Energy Minister, Bill Johnston, yesterday attended a last pole ceremony with representatives from the City of South Perth and Western Power to mark the project’s completion.
“The State Underground Power Program is a proven example of what can be achieved when there is a collaborative approach between State and local governments,” Mr Johnston said.
“It’s great to see the City of South Perth’s enthusiasm for the program; the City will also benefit from the Retrospective Underground Power Project in two other South Perth locations.
“Conversion to underground power has many benefits, not only does it beautify the streets it reduces power outages during storms, lowers maintenance and operating costs, and improves public safety.”
The Collier and Manning projects – jointly funded by the WA Government and City of South Perth – are two of 17 approved as part of round six of the program.
The next underground power projects to be completed include Kardinya South and Shelley East.
Western Power has identified 300 areas with a high density of ageing distribution overhead assets across Perth that will benefit from underground power in the next 20 years.