
Work has commenced on a water supply drought mitigation project at Wallabadah, NSW. This project involves equipping a bore, constructed during the 2007 drought, with a pump and the construction of approximately 1,500 metres of rising main. It also includes significant alterations to the existing pipework for enhanced operation of the supply from this new water source.

Mayor of Liverpool Plains Shire Council (LPSC), Councillor Ian Lobsey OAM, said the council is undertaking the construction using its own workforce and plant.

“LPSC liaised with affected landowners prior to commencement of the work and good progress has been made on pipe laying,” he said.

“There is also good progress with the switchboards and controls utilising the standards designed by Council and its electrical contractor in-house during the Willow Tree pump station upgrade. This enables a standardised board with operational protections, such as against lightning strikes, to be utilised, as well as the minimisation of electrical component stockpiles that would be required if different installations were used. Flexibilities in operational modes to control pump outputs used to manage varying water inflows and control redundancies are also built into the design.”

“This project is an important part of LPSC’s vision to drought proof our communities. Work is currently proceeding on the design project for the Regional Water Supply Scheme to greatly enhance water security for Werris Creek, Quirindi and Willow Tree. The Wallabadah supply is a standalone one and currently it is unfeasible economically to include it in the wider concept. Previously, it has been prone to quick falls in level during prolonged, hot, dry spells and this project is the best way to overcome that problem,” Councillor Lobsey concluded.

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