
A draft Environmental Impact Statement is out for public comment on a proposal to raise Eden Bann Weir and build a new weir at Rookwood on the Fitzroy River.

QLD Minister for State Development and Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Dr Anthony Lynham said the $495 million proposal by the Gladstone Area Water Board and SunWater Limited had the potential to capture 76,000 megalitres per annum of unallocated water resources available in the Fitzroy River.

Eden Bann weir is about 62 km north-west of Rockhampton. The Rookwood Weir site is about 15 km north of Gogango.

“If this project ultimately proceeds, the project will help meet the future demand for water from urban populations, industry and potentially agriculture in the Rockhampton, Gladstone and Capricorn Coast regions,” Dr Lynham said.

“It will also provide a source of employment for the region with a peak construction workforce of 150 people during the proposed two-year construction phase.

“Fish locks and a turtle bypass would be provided at each weir to allow wildlife to move down the river.

“The Coordinator-General’s evaluation of the project’s EIS will take into account the Palaszczuk Government’s new targets for nitrogen reduction and sediment run-off in Great Barrier Reef catchments,” Dr Lynham said.

Submissions can be made until 5pm on 31 August 2015 at:


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