A community and business reference group has been formed to ensure stakeholders have input into the implementation framework and execution of onshore shale gas.
It follows the appointment last month of Dr David Ritchie as the independent officer to oversee implementation of the 135 recommendations from the scientific inquiry into hydraulic fracturing.
“We recognise the importance of engaging with the community to deliver a safe, reliable, and productive onshore gas industry that directly benefits Territorians and values our unique environment,” Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, Michael Gunner, said.
“The establishment of this reference group is a significant part of the Report, and offers an important channel for engagement with representatives of various stakeholder groups.”
The purpose of the Reference Group is to provide:
- advice on the implementation framework and its subsequent execution to ensure that the framework aligns with community and industry expectations;
- a forum to share information and provide opportunities for cooperation, and collaboration with key stakeholders and the community;
- a medium through which key stakeholders can communicate their views about the implementation framework and its subsequent execution directly to the Government.
Reference Group members bring a diversity of skills from the community, environmental groups, local business, the gas industry and Local Government, placing them in good stead to constructively contribute to the process.