A joint work program between the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has been prepared to progress a coordinated roadmap to deliver the COAG Energy Council’s Vision for gas market development across the East Coast.
This will help to align AEMO’s current work on a single market at Wallumbilla Gas Supply Hub and the AEMC’s gas market development work in the East Coast Gas Review.
Specifically, AEMO and the AEMC are undertaking the following:
- The AEMC will work with AEMO in the development of its draft report on Optional Hub Services and the work undertaken to date on the Single Trading Zone model.
- Further consultation on the single trading zone will now be incorporated into the AEMC’s consultation processes on Wholesale Gas Market Design.
- AEMO and the AEMC will jointly host a public forum on September 30th to discuss key elements of wholesale market design in the East Coast Gas Review and supporting pipeline capacity access arrangements.
AEMO and the AEMC will continue to work together closely on the development of the implementation plan associated with the East Coast and DWGM Gas Reviews.