
SA Power Networks has made it even easier for customers to report and monitor power outages by introducing a new update service available for a wide range of smart phones and other mobile devices.

Current interruption information is now available to smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer, in a Google map format or by suburb/postcode search. Customers can also report an outage or a street light fault from these devices and register to receive notification of meter reading dates in their area.

All customers have to do is visit the SA Power Networks website to bookmark the service on their preferred device.

The new device-friendly functionality includes:

  • Search capability for outages – just enter your suburb or postcode for details of outages in your area.
  • An outage map – gives a State-wide overview of outages, and with pinch and zoom you can get more local detail about the number of customers affected, the cause of outages, and when power is expected to be restored; and
  • Alerts for state-wide events affecting the electricity network.

“The system recognises the device people are using and provides an optimised experience for that device,” said Paul Roberts, spokesman for SA Power Networks.

“We have responded to the significant shift by customers taking up smart phones and using them to conduct much of their business or to seek information 24/7. We are providing simple, intuitive navigation for the most popular services that our customers use,” he said.

“We conducted workshops with customers who helped us to make sure the service delivers what they wanted. It is a service for those who prefer self-service options. Customers who prefer traditional communication channels can still call our Faults and Emergencies line on 13 13 66.”

“Apart from optimising existing functionality for mobile devices, customers also can register for SMS or email notifications to be sent to their preferred mobile number or email address about power outages, meter reading dates, and other services that we may offer in future. They can also register family members to keep them informed.”

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