SA Water has announced that an organisational restructure is under way to increase efficiency and ensure it continues to respond to customer expectations and meet the challenges of the emerging water industry in South Australia.
SA Water Chief Executive John Ringham says driving greater efficiencies across the business and improving end-to-end customer service delivery has guided the change.
“The environment in which SA Water operates is now different. The water industry across this state is under economic regulation, with the first regulatory period coming into effect from 1 July 2013,” he said.
Under the new Water Industry Act 2012, the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) has been appointed as the independent regulator.
SA Water has formally received a Water Industry Retail Licence (Licence) from ESCOSA and is obligated to comply with the requirements of the Water Retail Code (Code) and the Licence.
“SA Water has seriously considered changes to its operating environment, along with its vision and strategic plan and future challenges. The organisation is committed to ensuring it is an efficient, affordable and competitive business which can meet the expectations of, and obligations to, stakeholders,” Mr Ringham says.
The organisational change has resulted in the streamlining of executive and middle level managers across the organisation, with further restructuring to occur over the coming months.
SA Water’s service commitments to its customers have been formalised in a new Customer Charter that includes a range of service standards and performance targets – agreed by ESCOSA.
“South Australians can be guaranteed that service standards will continue to be met. Accountability for meeting service standards will be centrally managed strengthening SA Water’s ability to ensure services meet the expected levels.
“SA Water has a requirement to report on its targets and achievements to ESCOSA as part of the regulatory process,” Mr Ringham says.
Further information can be found at the SA Water website: