Works on the second stage of works on the Yarranlea Solar Farm in Queensland have begun, with Toowoomba-based earthworks and surveying firms moving to the site for construction.
Preliminary works have been completed, with the next phase of construction involving bulk earthworks to prepare the site for installation of the solar panels and substation equipment.
The Yarranlea Solar project bulk earthworks contract was awarded to Sedl Contractors, a Toowoomba-based, family owned earthmoving civil contractors.
The ongoing survey works have been allocated to local firm Byrne Surveyors, a long-established Toowoomba survey firm.
Yarranlea Solar will be outsourcing construction contracts for the solar farm. This is specialised work, and local contractors and firms will be utilised where possible.
Planting of screening vegetation is also scheduled to begin soon.
As owners of the Yarranlea Solar Farm project, Risen Energy will progress the project from detailed engineering design, through construction, commissioning and ultimately the operation of the solar farm.
It is anticipated that approximately 200 positions will be created during the construction of the Yarranlea Solar farm which will have approximately 400,000 solar panels installed at the site.
The workforce on-site at any one time will vary as the project cycles through various construction phases (civil works, foundations, assembly, electrical assembly, cabling, commissioning).
Construction of the solar installation started in mid 2018 and will continue through to 2019.
Yarranlea Solar is working with Ergon to develop a switching station which will allow the solar farm to connect to the existing 110kV network.