Hawkesbury City Council is providing $600,000 in funds to upgrade sewer pump stations at Windsor Downs and Mulgrave.
Commencing in 2020, the upgrades will provide long-term operational reliability to collect and transfer sewage to the wastewater treatment facilities.
Using funds set aside for the renewal of vital assets, the project will include the installation of new backup generators, switchboard upgrades and platform upgrades.
The work has been identified as necessary in Council’s 2019/2020 Operational Plan as part of Council’s asset management program to better protect the environment and meet compliance requirements.
Mayor of Hawkesbury, Mr Barry Calbvert, said the wastewater operations project will benefit the community by managing Council’s assets with a long-term focus.
“This new infrastructure will be delivered to address our community’s current and future utility infrastructure needs which are part of ‘Our Assets’ under the Hawkesbury Community Strategic Plan 2017-2036,” Mr Calbvert said.
Once completed, the work will provide effective and efficient control of the pump stations with backup power available in the event of potential power failures and greater protection of Council sewer assets in times of floods up to the 1 in 100-year flood level.
It is projected that the sewer pump upgrades will be completed by July 2020.