Power transformer testing has just become a whole lot easier with the release of OMICRON’s Primary Test Manager TM software.
The Primary Test Manager TM (PTM) software is optimised for initial screening, diagnostic testing and condition assessment of power transformers with the release of software version 4.00.
All common chemical, electrical and dielectric tests on power transformers are now supported by one software.
With proper testing and maintenance, the lifetime of a power transformer can be extended by identifying and fixing defects before they can cause severe failures.
A smart combination of an initial screening, e.g. a dissolved gas analysis (DGA), power/dissipation factor tests and focused diagnostic testing is often utilised to keep the lifecycle management process more cost efficient.
A variety of other electrical test methods, such as transformer turns ratio, DC winding resistance and short-circuit impedance, as well as advanced methods such as dielectric response analysis or sweep frequency response analysis (SFRA) can be used to diagnose different problems within the power transformer.
In the past, all test data had to be transferred manually from individual test devices to one common file.
Comparisons and reports also had to be prepared manually. Since the software release 4.00, PTM supports all common diagnostic tests performed with various OMICRON test systems, as well as the corresponding condition assessment, such as the assessment of DGA test data.
Therefore all data can be collected in one database, resulting in advantages such as overall assessment, easy data management, data comparison, trending, one comprehensive report and less training effort for employees.
Combined with the time-saving advantages of new OMICRON test systems such as the TESTRANO 600 three-phase power transformer test system and the DIRANA for dielectric frequency response analysis, power transformer testing can be done in a fraction of the time needed in the past.
In addition to diagnostic testing and condition assessment of power transformers and associated equipment such as bushings and on-load tap changers (OLTC), PTM can also be used for circuit breakers, current and voltage transformers, and rotating machines.
The software guides its user through the testing process with comprehensive testing procedures and detailed wiring diagrams.
The performed tests can be automatically assessed in accordance with the applicable international IEEE and IEC standards. Powerful reporting functionalities, such as customised, individual reports on test objects, test results and assessments, complete the service.
This partner content is brought to you by Omicron Electronics Australia. For more information, visit www.omicronenergy.com.