By Steve Truman, Customer Development Manager, CitiPower/Powercor
In addition to CitiPower and Powercor Australia’s Metro and CBD Security of Supply Projects, the relocation of CitiPower assets around future development works are critical to ensure the ever-growing demand of Melbourne’s electrical network is satisfied.
The first of the relocation works was aimed at providing increased operational capacity to the high voltage fluid-filled cable circuits running between the Victoria Market (VM) and Waratah Place (WA) zone substations.
It has been deemed necessary as part of early development works that the relocation of sub transmission assets in the vicinity of the Franklin and Swanston Street junction would allow for increased operational capacity.
The project scope of works included the design, supply, delivery and installation for the relocation of three underground fluid-filled 66kV sub transmission circuits on Franklin Street.
In August 2016, the contract to manage the ‘Franklin Street Relocation’ project was awarded to Daly’s Constructions (Australia) who successfully developed a ‘turnkey’ solution from survey and design, through to pre-commissioning of the circuits.
Daly’s contract included all aspects of the work required to provide:
- A detailed design report for the cable relocations, including the calculation of circuit ratings, hydraulic arrangements, sheath voltage limits and earthing requirements
- Detailed native soil and backfill thermal resistivity sampling and analysis
- Joint bay design including design of a satisfactory system for mitigation of thermo-mechanical movement
- Detailed design for the installation of approximately 1000m of 66kV 3-core 300mm² Cu conductor fluid filled cable
- The supply and delivery of all joints and accessories to connect the existing cable to the new relocated sections
- The supply and installation of oil tanks into VM ZSS via the roof hatch to support the hydraulic requirements of the circuits
- Detailed civil design ensuring constructability of the circuit relocations from Franklin and Stewart Street junction, around the north side of the Swanston Victoria Street block, to the Franklin Victoria Street junction
- All work required to obtain approvals from the City of Melbourne together with VicRoads, Yarra Trams and all other affected stakeholders
- All trenching, conduit installation, backfill and permanent reinstatement
- All HDD works required along the route
- The construction of two 66kV and two 22kV joint bays
- Installation of all power cables, joints and the termination of existing assets to be relocated
- Pre-commission testing
- Provision of operation and maintenance manuals
Throughout the construction phase of the project, there were significant tasks required to overcome challenges in order to maintain project continuity.
Generally, a project of this scale could take up to 18 months to complete. Given such a short period of time for the completion of works, Daly’s managed to confidently complete the works required by mid-December 2016, in less than six months – both on time and budget – while most importantly maintaining quality, environmental and health and safety standards.
Daly’s Constructions has been providing civil works, cable installation, cable jointing and terminating services for over forty years, and has maintained a very strong relationship with CitiPower since its establishment in 1994, and prior to that with the State Electricity Commission of Victoria.
Daly’s Constructions have continually delivered successful projects for CitiPower, most recently for the Metro and CBD Security of Supply – Stage 1 and 2 projects – at a combined approximate value of $58 million.
In parallel to the Franklin Street project, Daly’s have managed to complete the civil works associated with the Waratah Place (WP) Zone Substation redevelopment simultaneously.
Daly’s is a family-owned business that commenced in 1971 when Mr Gabe Daly established the company to install conduit and cables in new estates throughout the growing and expanding metropolitan Melbourne.
Today, Daly’s continue to provide civil works and cable installation for the continual expansion of Melbourne and greater Victoria in addition to the major works associated with securing the electrical supply requirements of Melbourne’s Central Business District.
“Daly’s Constructions won the very challenging Franklin Street tender by providing us with the confidence they could deliver the project during the tender process.
“Our trust in their professionalism has been reaffirmed by the delivery of our project on time and on cost and to our stringent standards.
“The project required new fluid-filled cables to be produced to join into the existing 66kV network, this was produced in the short time frame and shipped from its factory in South Korea to match the construction schedule.
“We would like to recognise Daly’s for delivering an excellent project outcome.”
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