Western Power will conduct a large demonstration for its stand-alone power systems (SPS) project within part of the South West Interconnected Network, with tenders now open for the procurement process for the project.
The project will involve up to 60 locations in regional areas and represents the largest installation of SPS units in the state. The project builds on the successful trial of the technology on six properties in the Great Southern completed in 2017.
The trial provides opportunities for companies in WA to supply and install equipment and systems, with national and global interest expected.
The locations were identified based on the age and condition of assets, network topography and customer load usage profiles, plus the fact they are now due for significant maintenance works. The project will help identify optimal configuration of battery, renewable energy and diesel generation technology.
Up to 60 stand-alone power systems will be installed and operational in 2019.
WA Minister for Energy, Ben Wyatt, has also asked the Public Utilities Office to identify regulatory changes that will allow greater use of SPS as a low cost solution to poles and wires in delivering more reliable services in regional areas.
“Delivering efficient, safe and reliable power to the rural and remote parts of Western Australia is challenging,” Mr Wyatt said.
“Long stretches of power lines are at the mercy of wind, rain, vegetation, lightning and bushfires. As a government-owned utility, Western Power is actively seeking ways to improve reliability for all customers.
“The adoption of new and advanced technologies also opens the door for new skills across the energy sector and the potential for new jobs.”
Registrations of Interest close 12 April 2018 for the Electricity Network Project/ Stand-alone power systems, and 26 March for Commercial Construction (Non-Network).