The Queensland Government will provide Burdekin Shire Council with $10 million in funding to move Ayr and Brandon’s main water storage to the racecourse area in South Ayr, which will provide the community with a permanent water source and address water contamination issues.
The $10 million will entirely fund Stage Two of the council’s long-term water supply solution. The funds will pay for three new bores, a new reservoir, associated pumps and connecting water main to allow the primary water source to be moved from the Nelson’s Lagoon bores to an alternate Ayr location.
Elevated PFAS levels were detected in 2018 in town water, which is largely drawn from groundwater bores in Nelson’s Lagoon.
Council took prompt action to reduce demand on the affected bores and increased extraction from other aquifers, as well as commissioning a new bore in the centre of Ayr.
Burdekin Shire Council, Chief Executive, Terry Brennan, said the State Government’s contribution had further accelerated the Shire’s water security plan.
“Council has been actively working on long-term water resilience for the Burdekin, and this funding will deliver a viable solution in a much faster timeframe than would have been possible without the State Government’s support,” Mr Brennan said.
“Stage Two of Council’s water solution will provide an alternate aquifer water supply for the Burdekin, and ensure Ayr and Brandon have a substantial water supply reservoir with the capacity to support higher reticulation pressures.
“This is in addition to the construction of a five megalitre reservoir to increase capacity and disaster resilience in the Home Hill water supply following a $1.99 million Queensland Government grant, guaranteeing greater capacity across the Shire.”
Natural Resources Minister, Dr Anthony Lynham, said, “All credit to council: they moved quickly to address the issue of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) when it first was discovered in town water in 2018.
“Burdekin needs a sustainable long-term solution and these funds will support the council in providing safe, clean, healthy drinking water for decades to come.”
The council needs to provide a project plan to State Government officers, who will work with council on the staged payments of the funds in line with the agreed project plan.