
Victorian water corporations have released their water strategies, identifying the actions needed to ensure water availability for Melbourne and surrounding growth areas like Melton and Sunbury over the next 50 years.

City West Water, South East Water, Yarra Valley Water and Western Water have released their Urban Water Strategies, along with the Melbourne Water System Strategy by Melbourne Water.

The Melbourne Water System Strategy and associated Urban Water Strategies outline how water corporations will manage the significant challenges of ongoing population growth and urbanisation in Victoria’s changing and variable climate.

Current projections suggest over the next 50 years, the demand for water in Melbourne and the surrounding region could almost double, while annual flows from major water supply catchments could decrease by more than 40 per cent.

City West Water’s Managing Director, David Ryan, said, “We have worked together as an industry to find ways to meet the challenges and opportunities for water management that affect the whole of Melbourne. The strategies clearly outline the actions we will take to achieve the best outcomes for our individual communities and Melbourne more broadly.”

The strategies align with Water for Victoria, the State Government’s long-term plan for managing Victoria’s precious water resources and will help to deliver the policies objectives.

Minister for Water, Lisa Neville, said, “As we deal with issues around climate change and population growth, we need to make sure our water management is prepared to meet these challenges – both now and for future generations.”

The Water for a Future-Thriving Melbourne document has also been released which provides an easy to understand overview of future demand on the water supply system in Melbourne, and also identifies the common actions in each of the strategies to manage that demand.

These strategies include:

  • Identify actions to help ensure reliable water supplies continue to be provided for customers and the community over the long term
  • Focus on ongoing engagement  with customers, including indigenous communities
  • Maximise the benefits provided by the water grid and markets
  • Encourage efficient water use
  • Make the most of diverse sources of water like rainwater, stormwater and recycled water
  • Improve environmental and resource efficiency outcomes from sewage management
  • Focus on maintaining affordability for customers

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