Sydney Water is conducting upgrades to the Richmond Wastewater network to help accommodate the rapidly increasing population, with the construction upgrade expected to create 200 job opportunities.
The project will include a new wastewater pumping station and the construction of a new seven kilometre main which is expected to transfer wastewater from North Richmond to Richmond.
The improvements are in keeping with Sydney Water’s goal of building critical water and wastewater infrastructure to enable the construction of future dwellings in Greater Sydney.
Senior project manager, Greg Cable, said that the planned works will play a major part in ensuring a more sustainable future.
“Growth is set to increase by 70 per cent over the next 30 years. The completed upgrades will help future proof the region’s rapidly growing population.”
The project will contribute to circular economy benefits by expanding water recycling capacity at the site and the production of biosoli matter for reuse.
Upgrades to the Richmond Water Recycling Plant are expected to be completed in 2026.
Featured image:
BMD Operations Manager, Hussein Ismail; Sydney Water Head of Water Resource Recovery, Kevin Conna; Sydney Water Project Director, Chris Morris; Sydney Water Senior Project Manager, Greg Cable.