Sydney Water has won the Customer Service Institute of Australia’s premier award for customer service excellence in the government-owned organisation category.
Minister for Finance and Services Andrew Constance has congratulated the company. “These annual Customer Service Excellence awards recognise outstanding achievement in the area of customer service,” Mr Constance said.
“The field was highly competitive and included the Australian Taxation Office and many state owned energy, water and transport organisations.”
“To win the overall national award is a great achievement for Sydney Water, and we’re determined to see the organisation build on this recognition by further improving customer service.”
Sydney Water Managing Director Kevin Young said winning the Customer Service Excellence award recognised the hard work of staff in continually improving customer interactions.
“One of Sydney Water’s key objectives is to put the customer first,” Mr Young said.
“We take great pride in the level of service we offer our customers, and we want to deliver a quality service which exceeds our customers’ expectations.
“There was a rigorous process involved in determining this award, including looking at how we research customer needs, measure performance and train staff, how we improve our processes and monitor customer interactions.
“We also recently asked the CSIA to certify our complaints process, which contributed to winning the award.
“This is a real achievement for every staff member at Sydney Water – we all interact with customers in different ways, and I congratulate everyone who has contributed to winning this award.”
The award was presented by Michael Pratt, the Customer Service Commissioner for NSW, and accepted on behalf of Sydney Water by Manager of Customer Interaction Kathy Hourigan.
Sydney Water also received a Highly Commended in the Large Business Category.