The results from Sydney Water’s most recent round of PFAS testing are now publicly available and confirm that the region’s treated water supply remains safe to drink.
Recent testing of the Blue Mountains water supply (Cascade Water Filtration Plant) showed that all samples from Sydney’s drinking water supply are well below the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
To ensure ongoing safety, Sydney Water employs a risk-based approach to monitoring drinking water, and regular testing will continue in response to community concerns.
Regular consultations with WaterNSW and NSW Health ensure any potential risks to Sydney’s drinking water supply are promptly assessed and addressed.
The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines are developed nationally and adopted by each state and territory.
WaterNSW, as Greater Sydney’s catchment manager, is responsible for the quality and quantity of untreated source water captured in major supply dams throughout the Sydney catchment.
Read the full results here.
Featured image: PaniYani/