Parks and Wildlife has approved TasWaters’ plan to construct a pipeline in the Peter Murrell Reserve following rigorous assessment.
The new pipeline will transfer sewage from the Margate and Electrona area to an upgraded Blackmans Bay sewage treatment plant.
The design and the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for the pipeline through part of the Peter Murrell Reserve underwent rigorous assessment by Parks and Wildlife.
Although the pipeline route follows established pathways and fire trails through the Reserve, TasWater had to comply with a series of strict conditions not only for the placement of the pipe but also to cover the work involved in laying the pipe during the construction process.
The pipeline is a key element in TasWater’s $51 million investment to improve the sewerage network for the community of Kingborough.
TasWater will also upgrade the existing pump station on TasWater land inside the Peter Murrell Reserve to improve odour management and the emergency storage of waste.
Construction on the upgrade of the Blackmans Bay Sewage Treatment Plant is well underway with bulk excavation work completed and concrete pours and other construction in full swing.
The upgraded treatment plant will enable TasWater to decommission three underperforming sewage treatment plants at Howden, Margate and Electrona.
New pump stations will be installed at Margate and Electrona to transfer sewage to the Blackmans Bay facility.
This will bring important benefits to the environment by eliminating any discharge of effluent into North West Bay.
Construction crews have started work in the Peter Murrell Reserve to commence the pipe laying operations in accordance with strict conditions to protect the environment within the reserve.