TasWater has lifted the Boil Water Alert for Lady Barron residents following testing of water from the new treatment plant undertaken in consultation with the Department of Health and Human Services.
TasWater commissioned Laurie Curran Water for the construction of the brand new water treatment plant built just off Lady Barron Road. The town’s water originates from an existing bore field where TasWater has installed five new bores to meet future demand.
The bore water then passes through a series of processes including clarification, filtration, Ultra Violet disinfection and chlorine treatment to provide water that meets Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
Mayor of Flinders Council, Carol Cox, is excited the two major towns on Flinders Island have had public health alerts lifted since TasWater last year announced its commitment to address water quality issues in 24 towns across Tasmania.
“Flinders Island is a beautiful spot. Whitemark and Lady Barron are the two main towns and this is the first time in history that they’ve actually had treated water available to them. For me, that’s just a huge step forward for this island,” Mayor Cox said.
“In times of drought, it also gives access to clean drinking water for our outer lying residents who need to fill up their tanks from somewhere. It’s a huge boon and provides security for our sustainability on the island. We’ve got plenty of water but to actually have a guaranteed drinking water supply is fantastic.”
Whitemark is supplied by a new water treatment plant constructed just west of the township as a result of a Do Not Consume alert placed on the town. The alert was lifted in November 2016 after testing procedures were completed.
Local resident of Lady Barron and joint owner of the Furneaux Tavern, Beverley Watson is pleased with the clean and safe drinking water and the impact it will have on her business.
“With the boil water alert lifted, we won’t have to provide jugs or bottles of water to the rooms because they’ll be able to get the water straight out of the tap, which will be great…that’s going to make a huge difference for us.”
TasWater worked extensively with the residents and business owners in the Lady Barron area to properly flush and scour the reticulation pipes in the township due to the long term effects of untreated water through the system.
With the assistance of foam pigging, a technique where a foam cylinder is flushed down sections of pipe to clean the inside surface, the system of pipes is fully cleaned and receives water completely safe to drink direct from the tap.
TasWater Chairman Miles Hampton said he is pleased yet another of the 24 towns across the state has recently removed a public health notice.
“This is evidence of TasWater getting on with the job and delivering on our commitment within a sensible ten-year, fully-funded affordable infrastructure plan to improve water and sewerage assets within Tasmania,” Mr Hampton said.