
Australian Pressure Testing Services (APTS) has partnered with Spectrum Nondestructive Testing (NDT) to release technology that will improve high failure rates of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipelines and non-metallics in Australia.

APTS has the exclusive licence for the microwave inspection technology, which assesses the integrity and quality of non-metallics including HDPE, Rubber, Fibreglass and Composite materials, delivering accurate inspection results for volumetric defects in non-metallic components.

The technology aims to implement an unseen level of Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC), NDE and testing services on non-metallic components in the Australasian market.

This proven methodology surpasses the limited methods currently employed in Australia, by utilising highly sensitive electromagnetic inspection techniques, in conjunction with extensive quality assurance systems and on-site mechanical testing.

It is expected to deliver benefits across a number of key industries including, Oil and Gas, Defence, Pipeline, Mining and Water Treatment.

The system provides superior and more accurate reporting, increasing project success rates while significantly reducing operational costs and liabilities.

The microwave has the ability to detect the quality of HDPE fusions, electrofusions, parent material quality, material density, misalignment, delaminations, disbonds, cracks, foreign material inclusions, voids (air bubbles, poor mixing, incomplete contact, lack of adhesive), changes in thickness, moisture or other liquid contamination and corrosion on steel pipe O.D. through insulation or overwraps.

These innovative QA/QC services provide industry operators with an opportunity to gain control of quality standards and allow for early detection of potential integrity defects ahead of project delivery with ongoing asset integrity management.

APTS Executive Director, Paul Newbound, said, “This joint venture provides a prime opportunity for industry experts to collaborate and contribute to revolutionising the use and maintenance of non-metallic components in project delivery.

“This unique service offering and commitment to focus on service will allow us to create consistent value for our customers by providing a full testing and QA validation process service.

“Our clients can rest assured someone is looking out for their best interests at every phase of the pipeline construction process with complete monitoring including personnel and environmental conditions.”

APTS offers client focused testing and technical services and is the leading Australian provider of Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Pressure Testing and engineering support services such as NDT, helium leak testing, bolt torqueing and tensioning, chemical cleaning, oil flushing and flange management.

Jessica Dickers is an experienced journalist, editor and content creator who is currently the Editor of Utility’s sister publication, Infrastructure. With a strong writing background, Jessica has experience in journalism, editing, print production, content marketing, event program creation, PR and editorial management. Her favourite part of her role as editor is collaborating with the sector to put together the best industry-leading content for the audience.

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