An industry outsider with a passing interest in the National Energy Market could be forgiven for thinking smart meters were a new technology. Certainly, the new breed of device – versatile and programmable – is a step beyond the digital interval meters seen as part of the early-adopting Victorian rollout. But for EDMI, in its 40th year, these “new” products are just evolutions of the technology and methods it has been working on for almost three decades.
EDMI started life in December 1978 as Electronic Design and Manufacturing Queensland, in a small shed north of Brisbane. Originally imagined as an engineering consultancy group that delivered smart solutions for diverse projects like irrigation, railways and scoreboards, the group became EDMI in 1982 and found further success with a contract to provide scoring
systems to support the 1982 Brisbane Commonwealth Games.
This initial period was, in itself, quite fruitful for the company, but it was in the early 90’s that EDMI found the niche that would prove the foundation for the profile in metering it enjoys today.
“EDMI’s Mk1 smart electricity meter was a new way of doing things,” said EDMI’s Chief Technology Officer, Ivan Barron. “No similar interconnect meter existed in the market at that time and EDMI designed it from scratch, working closely with the customer.”
The Mk2 meter followed in 1994, and the Mk3 meter released in 1996 became a transmission mainstay for many years. Today, EDMI has leveraged its DNA in high-accuracy, highly functional products to deliver uniquely differentiated solutions to the residential market.
Now in its 40th year, EDMI Limited, headquartered in Singapore and owned by leading Japanese smart metering company Osaki Electric, has sold more than 10 million electricity and gas metering devices for the global smart meter market.
New Zealand markets from its regional offices in Brisbane, Melbourne and Wellington.
“EDMI have played a part in a number of advances in Australian metering over the last 40 years and can take some credit in leading the way with many of them,” said Andrew Thomas – Executive Director, EDMI Australasia.
“EDMI’s history has laid the foundation for our market-leading position in the Power of Choice market. Our solutions ecosystem combined with our uniquely collaborative and adaptive culture positions us to continue to meet the needs of the ever-changing energy market,” said Mr Thomas.
“EDMI are proud of our work with industry to overcome many challenges in the last 40 years and look forward to continuing that role in the future.”
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