
Wingecarribee Shire Council, NSW is seeking submissions from suitably qualified and resourced contractors to carry out a condition assessment of the sewer mains within the Bowral sewer scheme.

The inspection of the conduits is to be done by CCTV camera in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) Conduit Inspection Reporting Code of Australia.

The computer software Wincan V8 shall be used to undertake video recording and defect coding of all inspected mains, as well as reporting on the condition of the sewer mains.

The extent of works covers 5 catchments within the Bowral sewer scheme. These catchments have been identified as having high levels of infiltration through modelling and detailed flow calibration. The sewer mains are of various diameters ranging from 150 to 675mm and include material type such as AC, CC, CICL, DICL, MDPE, PVC, VC. The sewer mains range in depth from 0.39m to 3.15m.

The proposed works involve:

  • upgrading sewage pump stations and rising mains;
  • installation of potable water mains;
  • stormwater inflow reduction works;
  • design and construction of a recycled water ebb tide river release system;
  • and associated works.

The estimated value of these works is between $60,000.00 and $80,000.00

Submissions close: 12:00PM Sydney time, Friday the 21st of March, 2014.

For further information or application details see the tender webpage.

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