State Water Corporation (NSW) is seeking the services of a suitably qualified consultant to execute the development of asset management plans for each of the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 financial years. These plans will cover selected regulated inland water infrastructure assets. The portfolio of assets covered by this has a total value of $393 million.
The asset plans developed under this engagement are to comply with the requirements of the ISO 55001 Asset Management – Management Systems Standard.
The project will be conducted in the following stages:
Stage 1 – Development of Asset Management Plans based upon current dataset and business rules
Stage 2 – Subsequent to State Water proceeding with nominated projects;
Stage 3 – Subsequent to State Water revising Asset Criticality Data;
State 4 – Subsequent to State Water revising Business Rules; and
Stage 5 – Subsequent to State Water determining budgets;
Stage 6 – Provide support for amendments/ revisions of asset plans for 3 months after final version of reports are submitted.
Submissions close: 2:00PM Sydney time, Tuesday the 27th of May, 2014.
For further information or application details see the tender webpage.