At least 19,000 Townsville residents are set to benefit when it comes to water waste, with $10 million of funding from the Queensland Government to launch its Water Smart Package.
Member for Mundingburra and Minister for Communities, Disability and Seniors, Coralee O’Rourke, representing Natural Resources Minister, Dr Anthony Lynham, said the program will benefit households by providing vouchers or rebates of up to $500 for concession card holders, and up to $300 for other Townsville residents.
“There’s a great range of water-wise products that renters, homeowners and body corporates are able to buy including rainwater tanks, pool covers, low-flow shower heads and shower timers.
“Hundreds of dollars will go straight back into the pockets of almost a third of Townsville’s families and residents, to help them save water.
“An efficient watering system for your garden and lawn can save up to ten rainwater-tanks of water a year, and a low-flow shower head can save you more than 130 bathtubs of water annually – that’s a massive water saving in times of drought and great way to be environmentally friendly all year-round.”
The additional $10 million commitment to the people of Townsville, comes on top of the Queensland Government’s $215 million funding for the new Haughton Pipeline, and will help ensure Townsville’s water security into the future.
Mayor of Townsville, Jenny Hill, said the Water Smart Package would boost the local economy and deliver the biggest water conservation campaign ever seen in Townsville.
“The Water Smart Package is a central part of Townsville’s three-point Water Security Solution along with the water pipeline and water recycling projects,” Ms Hill said.
“The Queensland Government’s funding for Water Smart Package and Stage 1 of the water pipeline has been critical in locking in Townsville’s long-term water security and providing a huge boost for our economy and jobs in the process, and we are extremely grateful.”