In a move to strengthen relationships and improve opportunities between irrigation industries, Irrigation New Zealand and Irrigation Australia have signed the Trans-Tasman irrigation Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
The MoU formalises the relationship between the two irrigation bodies and will provide long-term benefits for both their membership and the irrigation sectors.
Irrigation Australia Chairperson, Andrew Ogden, said the MoU will ensure there is an agreed process for developing the partnership into the future.
The MoU sets out a number of key benefits for the organisations and identifies opportunities for cooperation.
“One of the areas that Irrigation Australia has traditionally been particularly strong in is our advocacy for and development of professional development and industry certification,” Mr Ogden said.
“The MoU ensures the expansion of this focus with an agreement for both bodies to work together to develop training qualifications that are mutually recognised.”
Information has also been identified as an area where both bodies will benefit from a cooperative approach.
IrrigationNZ Chairperson, Nicky Hyslop, said, “Over the years both organisations have built up significant irrigation information resources.
“As part of the MoU we have agreed to share these resources, which means that our members and the wider irrigation sector will have access to a unique information bank that has been developed by the industry for the industry.
“And, importantly, sharing resources will avoid duplication and drive efficiencies – a real win for our members.”
Under the MoU, the industry bodies have agreed to cooperate in developing and reviewing any standards that have an impact on their irrigation industries.
“Standards underpin the quality of installations and level of professionalism in the industry, and both bodies have worked on developing them and promoting industry awareness of their importance,” Mr Ogden said.
“This agreement to cooperate in developing and reviewing standards is an important step that will further contribute the community recognising the expertise of industry members in both countries.”
Another opportunity identified in the MoU is helping with and attending each other’s major events such as conferences and exhibitions.
“We have also identified that there is an opportunity to put together joint study tours and similar activities designed to improve access to up-to-date information and technology,” Mrs Hyslop said.