The Ti Tree Bend Sewage Treatment Plant in Launceston, Tasmania, will undergo maintenance on one of the plant’s two digesters to improve the plant’s overall performance and reduce odour emissions.
TasWater CEO, Michael Brewster, said a blockage in one of the plant’s two digesters was having a significant impact on the operation of the plant.
The digesters, built in the 1970s, are a key piece of infrastructure used to break down organic
matter into gas and sludge.
“The poor performance of the digesters has been identified as a cause of odour related problems at Ti Tree Bend as they are discharging partially digested (and therefore more odorous) sludge into the drying lagoons,” Mr Brewster said.
The 70-tonne digester lid was lifted off by crane overnight to the make the most of good
weather conditions.
Contractors and TasWater crews will now work around the clock to empty the digester and
undertake any maintenance and repairs before the lid is replaced.
It is expected the work will take at least four days to complete.
TasWater is putting into place several processes to help minimise the risk of any smell affecting
nearby areas and residents while the work is taking place.
“We expect there to be some odour following the lifting of the digester lid but we are confident that we have adequate measures in place to contain any odour to a localised area,” Mr Brewster said.
A similar project was undertaken at the Newnham Sewage Treatment Plant last year without a
single odour complaint.