Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has unveiled his new Cabinet, with a number of significant changes, including to the ministers responsible for utility-related areas including energy and the NBN.
Josh Frydenberg, who was previously the Assistant Treasurer, has now taken the position as Minister for Resources, Energy and Northern Australia, replacing former portfolio holder, Ian Macfarlane.
APPEA CEO, Malcolm Roberts has welcomed the re-shuffle, and “looks forward to working with the Turnbull Ministry, in particular the Treasurer, Scott Morrison, and the Minister for Resources and Energy, Josh Frydenberg.”
While Mr Turnbull has advised that the government’s policies will remain largely unchanged under his leadership; the ENA has noted that the Cabinet reshuffle comes at a time of significant change in the energy sector.
ENA CEO, John Bradley, said that Mr Frydenberg has an important task ahead in progressing reform.
“Australia’s energy system is facilitating exciting shifts in technology, with energy networks enabling world leading rates of residential solar and the advent of an energy storage revolution.
“As this takes place it is critical that the energy market transitions to electricity network pricing that rewards efficient use.
“It is also important that domestic gas is able to compete on a level playing field by ensuring energy schemes designed to reduce emissions are fuel-neutral; whilst encouraging wholesale gas supply markets by removing unnecessary barriers to new supply,” said Mr Bradley.
Mitch Fifield has taken up Mr Turnbull’s former position as Communications Minister, and will also take on the roles of Arts Minister and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Digital Government. Mr Fifield will now be responsible for the nbn.
The environment portfolio, which encompasses water, remains with Greg Hunt. According to Mr Turnbull, Mr Hunt will work with Jamie Briggs, Minister for Cities and the Built Environment, to develop a new Australian Government agenda for our cities in cooperation with states, local governments and urban communities.