During the week of October 21 – 25, United Energy and Multinet Gas joined with its major service providers for ‘Safety Week 2013’. Safety Week is an annual program of events focussed on safety management. This year it attracted over 500 people who participated in activities across the week.
Delegates to Safety Week heard from a range of senior representatives from across the industry sharing their experiences and insights. Victoria’s Director of Energy Safety and CEO of Energy Safe Victoria, Mr Paul Fearon was a special guest speaker at the event.
“Energy Safe Victoria commends UE and MG on this great initiative,” Mr Fearon said.
“Safety is a shared responsibility and it starts at home‟. If the right culture, procedures and practices are in place for workers, it is more likely that the public will also be kept safe.
“Good engineering and good attitudes equal good safety outcomes for Victoria.”
As part of their Safety Week community donation program UE and MG will be donating $1500 to the CFA, $1000 to the SES and $500 to St Johns Ambulance.
UE and MG Health, Safety and Environment Manager Daniel Santos said this program is about giving back to our local community groups which all provide valuable community health and safety service.
“It’s another way United Energy and Multinet Gas are illustrating our commitment to the safety of our customers and our local communities,” Mr Santos said.