
More than 2,100 homes and businesses in parts of Victoria Park are set to become the first in Western Australia to complete the transition to the National Broadband Network.

As part of a national upgrade to Australia’s fixed line infrastructure, the NBN will progressively replace most existing landline phone and internet services in parts of Victoria Park, starting from 20 March 2015.

In the coming months, an additional 5,500 homes and businesses in parts of South Perth, Mandurah, Meadow Springs and Geraldton will also complete the transition to the NBN.  NBN Co is urging residents in these areas that have not already placed an order for services over the NBN to contact their preferred internet service provider or phone company as soon as possible.

NBN Co spokesperson, Peter Gurney said:

“These homes and businesses will join more than 100,000 premises nationwide to make the transition to the NBN since the beginning of 2015 – the largest number to make the switch to date.

“The move to the NBN is not automatic. The remaining residents and businesses in the area need to place an order to move their landline phone and internet services over to the NBN if they wish to continue using them. They have a choice whether to switch across or to make do with mobile solutions.

“We are committed to ensuring no one gets left behind and are particularly urging people with special equipment including EFTPOS terminals, and medical and security alarms which operate using a landline phone connection to contact their preferred phone company and internet service provider immediately.”

Physical construction is also underway to expand the network to an additional 55,000 premises across the state.  Below outlines the new suburbs to begin construction during March 2014.


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