
Western Power has finalised the line route for the southern section (Neerabup – Eneabba) of their Mid West Energy Project.

The company is continuing to engage with landowners in the area to discuss structure locations and heights, to ensure that the most effective and efficient solution can be delivered. They are also conducting further surveys to satisfy preliminary approvals and construction conditions.

The project will involve the construction of a new 330,000 volt (330kV) transmission line, supported by lattice steel structures, between Pinjar and Eneabba. For the most the new line will follow the existing 132,000 volt (132kV) transmission line route, except for areas where they need to avoid crossing over existing infrastructure. The existing single circuit 132kV transmission line will be removed to allow the new 330kV transmission line to be built in its place. The section between Neerabup and Pinjar is currently built to 330kV, but is operating at 132kV. For this project it will be uprated to 330kV, which will not change its current physical appearance.

Western Power says that extensive community engagement has been undertaken for the line route to-date, and that they will continue to work with landowners along the route as the project progresses.

For further information see the Western Power website.

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