
Water Corporation has appointed Sharon Broad as its new Regional Manager for the Goldfields and Agricultural region.

Mrs Broad brings a wealth of experience to the position and has worked for the Water Corporation for 30 years in various senior roles across the state.

Mrs Broad said she looked forward to getting to know the communities across the Goldfields and Agricultural Region, which stretched from Toodyay in the west to Eucla in the east and included the towns of Northam, Merredin and Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

“My first objective is to travel the region and meet our talented team of employees who help service the many communities we serve,” Mrs Broad said.

“I also look forward to getting to know our customers and stakeholders across the Goldfields and Agricultural Region over the coming months.”

Mrs Broad has spent the last nineteen years living and working in the Pilbara region. Her husband, Darren, also works for Water Corporation and their two children attend university and high school in Perth.

About Water Corporation’s Goldfields and Agricultural Region:

  • Water is supplied from Mundaring Weir in the Perth hills via the Goldfields and Agricultural Water Supply Scheme, which includes the 566 kilometre Goldfields Pipeline.
  • Water Corporation supplies around 24 billion litres of water to about 100,000 people in the region each year. This water comes from a combination of surface water, desalination and groundwater.
  • There are 9,593 kilometres of water and 315 kilometres of wastewater mains in the region.
  • Water Corporation treats about 4 million litres of wastewater each day at 19 wastewater treatment plants across the region.

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