Residents of Dalyellup, WA have showcased their waterwise talents as part of a gardening competition held by Water Corporation, Satterley Property Group and the Shire of Capel.
The Dalyellup Waterwise Garden Competition encourages residents to incorporate waterwise principles in the design and development of their gardens, including plant selection, soil treatment, mulch and sustainable gardening practices.
The Best New Garden prize was awarded to Mark and Rina Buswell, Best Established Garden to Herman and Linda Rabie and the Best Overall Garden prize was presented to Rhonda and Peter Ashton for the second year in a row.
Water Corporation South West Regional Manager John Janssen said he was impressed with the calibre of waterwise gardens in Dalyellup.
“Congratulations to the winners of our gardening competition, who each have beautiful waterwise gardens with more than 60 per cent native plants,” Mr Janssen said.
“I’d also like to thank all the entrants who made the effort to make their gardens as waterwise as possible, which is important in our drying climate.”
Shire of Capel Engineering Environmental Officer Rae McPherson said the judges had a tough time choosing the winners.
“It was a close competition as many gardens showcased vibrant and innovative waterwise principles,” Ms McPherson said.
“The judges looked to see how residents utilised innovative techniques in their gardens, such as hydrozoning, water harvesting or water re-use, as well as taking into consideration their species selection, use of fertilisers, soil conditioners and mulch.”
For information on how you can make your garden waterwise, visit the Water Corporation’s website