Water is now flowing back into Victoria’s Donald Weir Pool following upgrades to the weir which included the installation of a new stormwater pipeline.
The Donald Weir project has delivered a new 400m pipeline connecting the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline to an existing stormwater pipeline to deliver the water supply to the weir pool.
This has allowed the stormwater pipe to continue directing harvested stormwater to a dam for use on Donald sporting grounds used by the local community.
Victorian Minister for Water, Lisa Neville, said, “Local waterways are critical for the wellbeing of communities, particularly in times of drought. Water security for these communities delivers huge benefits for regional towns.”
The $170,000 upgrade of the Donald Weir Pool, was funded by the Victorian Government through the $2.98 million Sport and Recreational Water Infrastructure Program to assist drought affected communities across north-western Victoria.
Donald Mineral Sands is donating additional water, which will see 100ML of additional water delivered to the weir pool.
While water levels in the weir pool were healthy following good conditions in 2017, more water in the weir ensures the local community can continue to enjoy the benefits of the site during summer.
The investment will ensure the weir is drought-proofed during dry periods.
The Sport and Recreational Water Infrastructure Program is a key part of the $10 million Drought Support Fund announced early in 2016 as part of the government’s $27 million Drought Response Package.