
The Australian Water Association (AWA) and Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) have voiced their appreciation for the work done under the National Water Initiative over the past decade.

AWA Chief Executive, Jonathan McKeown and WSAA Executive Director, Adam Lovell said the
National Water Initiative continues to provide a national focus on water, one that should not be lost with the closure of the National Water Commission later this year.

“With water a crucial economic driver upon which Australia’s future productivity and prosperity will be developed, the National Water Initiative provides the guiding principles for further development, particularly in regional and rural areas”, said McKeown.

“In the last ten years, the Initiative has formulated a national approach to water management which has been important through the challenges of droughts, floods and population growth, with water users, industry and the environment reaping the benefits”, said Lovell.

In congratulating the National Water Commission on its work in driving progress under the National Water Initiative, both organisations also expressed disappointment in the closure of the

“As an agency that has provided fearless advice, monitoring and leadership on water management in Australia, the Commission’s closure weakens our ability to engage Australians on water management”, said McKeown.

“As Australia’s blueprint for water reform, the National Water Initiative now needs renewed commitment from both the private and public sectors. It is crucial that the wider community is fully engaged in using water sustainably in an effort to drive Australia’s economic future and the renewal of the National Water Initiative is a key part of this”, said Lovell.

WSAA and AWA congratulated the staff at the National Water Commission for their work in implementing the National Water Initiative and look forward to the Commission’s comprehensive review of progress of the Initiative to be released at AWA’s National Water Policy Conference on 15 October.

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