Questions answered by Stuart Harrison, Edge Underground.
The Vermeer AXIS guided boring system is a pit-launched trenchless installation method designed to achieve pinpoint, on-grade accuracy while eliminating some of the difficult steps associated with other installation techniques. A wide range of product pipe, sizing specifications, and other jobsite requirements can be met with the capabilities of the AXIS system. The system gives on-grade accuracy and high efficiency, while minimising restoration and installation costs.
The main difference between microtunnelling and the Vermeer AXIS guided boring system is the fact that AXIS achieves pinpoint accuracy, while also achieving excellent productivity.
After 25 years of installing sewer and water pipelines, I developed the Vermeer AXIS guided boring system to fill what I saw as a gap in the market. Over the years I have worked with various microtunnelling equipment which might offer extreme accuracy, but could be cumbersome and time consuming to work with. I wanted to combine accuracy with productivity, and that is what AXIS offers.