Operators, managers, engineers and consultants from across the water sector will come together for the 2016 Victorian Water Industry Operations Conference and Exhibition to discuss new technologies and methods for urban, rural and industrial water operation.
Hosted by the Water Industry Operators Association of Australia (WIOA), the exhibition will be held in Bendigo on 31 August–1 September and will feature presentations from key water associations and operators.
Mike Walsh, Program Director for Intelligent Water Networks (IWN), will present the opening address on the IWN’s innovative water programs.
IWN is a partnership between VicWater, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and 17 Victorian water corporations.
Other presentations include:
- Kate Pauley from North East Water on lessons learnt from taking over a trade waste treatment plant
- Keith McCarthy from Yarra Valley Water on the optimisation of magnesium hydroxide liquid dosing systems
- Paul Gregg from Cowra Shire Council on what’s in a box sludge dewatering
- Elysia Butler from Palmerston North City Council with an Iceberg analysis of industrial waste from the experience of an operator
- Gary Fenwick from Queensland Urban Utilities on biosolids strategies at the Sandgate Sewage Treatment Plant
- Damian Peterson from Western Water on using a pipe screening device, SL-RAT, to provide operational efficiencies.
The conference will also host the 2016 IXOM Victorian Water Taste Test, an annual tradition which awards a company with the title of best tasting water in the state.
To register for the 79th Annual Victorian Water Industry Operations Conference and Exhibition, or for more information, visit www.wioaconferences.org.au.