The first WIOA SA Water Industry Operations Conference and Exhibition will be held at the Murray Bridge Racing Club on 1-2 August 2018.
The program includes:
- 10 speakers over two days on a range of topics relating to the water industry
- Keynote address by Stewart Kreltszheim from CFA on Lessons in Leadership
- Dean Barnett from the Intelligent Water Networks Program
- 33 of the world’s leading companies will be on display
- South Australia’s Best Tasting Tap Water competition
- See the latest in treatment and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, water supply, reclaimed water or biosolids, project management, asset management, development and application of new technologies, training and safety issues from the world’s leading companies
If you’re an operator, manager, engineer, consultant or professional, or someone who is working in the water industry or just has an interest in water, then this is a must-attend event.
To see the full program and download the delegate registration forms, visit