
The 2014 WSAA conference Towards the digital water utility will be taking place from Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 8:00 AM – Thursday, 11 September 2014 at 4:30 PM (AEST).

This two-day conference will take place in Richmond (VIC) with the option to attend in-person, or to participate in your chosen sessions live online from a conveniently located meeting room.

The conference will focus on the convergence of big data, digital metering and information systems, and technologies enabling efficiency and customer excellence.

Attendees will join other national and international water utilities, researchers, regulators, communication, data and device technology and service providers in the pursuit on innovation and collaboration.

Benefits to attendees include:

  • Practical management tips and lessons learned on how to progress digitisation and intelligent networks within your utility.
  • Sharing of the business cases used by utilities to justify their digitisation, intelligent water networks and smart metering investments and an assessment of the actual benefits they have delivered.
  • Insights into the value that can be created when different data sets are analysed and integrated with core utility systems.
  • Materials and resources made available for sharing by utilities that are already implementing intelligent water networks, smart metering and data integration with core systems.
  • Valuable relationships with other utilities and with technology solution providers that may be invaluable when you develop a smart metering and intelligent water networks strategy.

The full program and registration details can be found here.

Those interested in the online attendance option can learn more about it and register their interest here.

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