The WSAA Towards the Digital Utility Conference will be held on the 8th and 9th of September at the Melbourne Arts Centre, Southbank (VIC).
The event is now in its third year and will feature leading edge case studies of the hardware, communications, and big data management aspects that enable utilities to become truly digital. The conference will be held at the Melbourne Arts Centre on Southbank.
Who should attend?
Water utility and local government senior managers and managers responsible for retail, asset management, IT, billing, metering, customer Service, planning, strategy and non revenue water.
Consultants and vendors who offer solutions related to smart metering and intelligent water network technologies, including smart metering, customer portals, communications networks supporting smart metering, data integration solutions with core utility systems such as Billing, CIS, and GIS.
Find out more at
Register: WSAA regional forum
WSAA is holding a regional forum on Wednesday 19 August 2015 on the Gold Coast (QLD). The forum is an initiative of our regional Board representative Jim Grayson, CEO of Gladstone Area Water Board. The Regional Forum will highlight good practice in regional water utility management as well as case studies and lessons learnt through alliancing and other partnering arrangements.
Register here.