Zinfra has negotiated a new contract with TasWater to deliver the Regional Towns Water Supply Program – Work Package Two.
Zinfra’s Senior Project Manager, Peter McLean, said, “Zinfra was shortlisted from an Expression of Interest (EOI) we submitted in late January to go through a two month Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) phase during which we prepared a preliminary design for the project.
“With the EOI and ECI phase we had the opportunity to show the client that we had the right team to deliver the work.”
The $40 million Regional Towns Water Supply Program aims to upgrade drinking water supplies in small towns and communities across Tasmania to provide them with safe water that consistently meets Australian Drinking Water Guidelines quality standards.
Working in the towns of Epping Forest, Colebrook and Judbury, Zinfra is responsible for the planning, design, construction and commissioning of approximately 50km of water pipeline infrastructure.
This infrastructure includes five reservoirs, seven booster/transfer pumping stations and four re-chlorination stations.
There are over 26 horizontal directional drill shots required on the project, with an average length of 150m, and elevation differences of over 450m along the pipeline route.
A broad range of capabilities and national footprint mean TasWater is confident Zinfra has the capacity and skills to deliver the project, and will meet its critical milestones by using Tasmania-based employees and contractors, with support from Zinfra’s interstate crews if required.
On announcement of the program, TasWater Chairman, Miles Hampton, said, “TasWater acknowledges there is a lot of work to do but we are committed to ensuring all our customers will be able to drink water straight from the tap by the end of August next year.”
Zinfra crews have already started delivering the work and aim to meet the completion date of March 2018.
This partner content was brought to you by Zinfra. For more information, visit www.zinfra.com.au.