When South East Water appointed SUEZ and joint venture partners John Holland and Beca to undertake a significant upgrade of its Boneo Water Recycling Plant on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula, it heralded a major innovation milestone in Australia.
On completion, this plant will run with the goal of reducing South East Water’s reliance on grid electricity and improve capacity to serve the current and future needs of the community and environment. The plant will deliver safer, more sustainable water recycling and will also dramatically improve the facility’s environmental and operational outcomes.
The pioneering project relies on a variety of cutting-edge technologies developed and patented by SUEZ as part of its global research and development. Aquadvanced™ Plant – part of SUEZ’s ground-breaking Aquadvanced™ suite of solutions designed to optimise water management – is one of them.
Aquadvanced™ Plant has numerous benefits such as integration of operations and asset management. It will enable operators to gain a fast and accurate understanding of the full 360° status of the plant, allowing for continuous improvement where the operator carries out targeted, and controlled corrective or optimisation actions, while being able to easily consult remote experts connected to Aquadvanced™ Plant.
This breakthrough technology will allow individual operators to easily configure their own settings, performance indicators, data correlations and analysis.
Aquadvanced™ Plant will directly improve the environmental, economic, and operational performance of the plant through process performance management that optimises the consumption of resources and the lifecycle of the assets (performance, maintenance cost and service life). Furthermore, a common data visualisation platform provides for advanced dashboarding, reporting and data analytics.
The upgrade is expected to take South East Water one step closer to achieving its emissions reductions target of 45 per cent by 2025. The outcomes achieved through this project will also contribute towards achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
The unique combination of process technologies being used together with the analytics and performance management capabilities of Aquadvanced™ Plant is just one of the innovations arising from the project, ushering in a new benchmark for sustainable water solutions.
This Sponsored Editorial was brought to you by SUEZ. Visit the SUEZ website to find out more about the Boneo Water Recycling Plant, or chat with a SUEZ Water expert to explore products, services and innovations to transform your business.