Connections to the NBN network are ramping up with nbn announcing homes and businesses in five locations around Australia can now connect to the network.
Over 2000 residents in Hobart’s northern suburbs of Claremont, Austins Ferry and Granton can now switch to the broadband network, as can 100 homes and businesses in Ballidu, WA.
Around 370 homes in the Dunsborough area (WA) are now able to connect to a faster broadband service as well as 2500 residents in Tarcoola Beach, Mount Tarcoola and Wandina in Geraldton.
nbn has also announced the connection of approximately 5200 homes in in parts of Manning, Salter Point, Como, East Victoria Park and Carlisle.
nbn Tasmania corporate affairs manager, Russell Kelly said, “More than 116,000 premises in Tasmania now have access, with thousands more being connected each month.
“It follows a successful year for nbn in Tasmania – the network footprint grew by around 80 per cent over the calendar year.”
In response to connections in Ballidu, nbn spokesperson, Philippa Perry, said, “This is exciting news for residents at the approximately 99 premises now able to connect to the nbn™network in Ballidu who can start experiencing the benefits of fast and reliable broadband.
“For decades, rural and regional Australia has been left behind when it comes to telecommunications. The fixed wireless service is designed to provide access to internet speeds and bandwidth that many in the big cities currently take for granted.”